Hawkesbury Independent School

Enrolment Guidelines

Rationale: Each year new students seek places in our school. Our school needs to provide clear guidelines and procedures for the enrolment of any new student.

Date: October 2009


•  To ensure the Principal is aware of his/her rights and responsibilities concerning the enrolment of students

•  To outline the procedures for the enrolment of a new student Implementation:

•  New students may be enrolled provided that:

• their fifth birthday is prior to July 31 in the year they are to commence

• necessary forms are completed by parent/care-giver

• the Principal/delegate sights and copies the Birth Certificate and files the Record of Immunisation. Parents have the right not to immunise their child under the Public Health (Amendment Act) 1992, but in the event of an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease, unimmunised children will be required to remain at home for the duration of the outbreak

• the parents understand and support the philosophy of the school

• the school is able to meet the needs of the child

•  In the case of more applicants than enrolment places, preference will be given to those students whose brothers or sisters currently attend Hawkesbury Independent School provided that the School can answer the needs of the child. As our school is co-educational, places are also offered where possible to maintain an approximately equal balance of boys and girls

•  The Principal may refuse enrolment of a student on the grounds of previously documented violent behaviour if there is evidence that the student has not learned the appropriate skills to manage this behaviour

•  Students 6-15 years old must be enrolled and attend school on each day that instruction is provided

•  Where the destination of a student leaving the school is unknown, the Principal will contact a home school liaison officer from the Department of Education and Training. The Principal is required to give the school liaison officer the student’s name, age and last known address.

Enrolment Procedures

•  Prospective parents will be provided with information about the school through the school

website www.his.nsw.edu.au or through the school brochure

•  Prospective parents are welcome to arrange a time to visit the school for a tour and an

introduction to the operation of the school

•  Parents may then lodge an application form and an application fee. The fee is set by the School Management Committee from time to time and is non-refundable

•  All applications will be processed in order of receipt

•  The Principal/delegate will then organise for there to be an interview with the child and parents to ensure that the parents understand and support the philosophy of the school, and to determine if the school can meet the needs of the child

•  Once an offer of a place has been made, parents are asked to provide:

o  A copy of the last two reports of the child (if applicable)

o  The child’s immunisation record and birth certificate

o  A completed Family Detail form

o  A completed Student Detail form, including a health questionnaire

o  A completed Terms and Conditions of Enrolment form, signed, if possible, by both parents

•  As soon as the signed enrolment forms have been received by the school, the Family Bond which is equivalent to one term’s fees becomes due and payable

•  Once enrolled, students and parents are expected to support the school’s philosophy and comply with the school’s rules, policies and standards in order to maintain enrolment

•  In order to secure enrolment for each term, parents must have paid all fees for the preceding term or have made arrangements with the school for a process to ensure payment is made

•  If the Principal/delegate considers that a student is guilty of a serious breach of the rules or has otherwise engaged in conduct which is prejudicial to the school or its students or staff, the Principal/delegate may exclude the student permanently or temporarily at his/her absolute discretion. No remission of fees will apply.

•  If the School Management Committee or the Principal/delegate believes that a mutually beneficial relationship of trust and cooperation between a parent and school has broken down to the extent that it adversely impacts on that relationship, then the School, the School Management Committee or the Principal/delegate may require the parent to remove the child from the school. No remission of fees will apply.