Parents play an active role in the life of our school. They can be involved in a range of activities from helping out in the classroom through to making decisions as part of the Management Committee. In our school we are committed to keeping parents informed about their child’s progress. There are formal parent-teacher interviews twice a year, written reports and portfolios of each child’s work. We also use a diary system to encourage two way communication between school and home. The school newsletter, the noticeboard and this website keep parents up to date with what is happening in the school and gives them details about upcoming events. Parents use their unique log-in names and passwords to access a secure part of this website with additional school information and photos.
Parents are welcome to come to the school to discuss their child’s progress or any concerns they may have – being an “open school” is an important part of our basic philosophy.
We are always keen to have parents as part of the day-to-day activities in the school, on a regular or occasional basis. Parents may have a valuable skill that they can share with the children in the school (music, art, craft, cooking, language, expertise in a particular field). As well, parents may like to help out, and just be a part of the school. Help is especially welcomed during the Basic Skills Sessions.